Model of reorganization of elements of a wireless computing cluster with an orbital arrangement of elements

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-19


Nestruev D. S.*, Borzov D. B.**

South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia

**e-mail: bоrzоvdb@kursknе


A cluster is a modular multiprocessor system created on the ground of standard computing nodes connected by a high-speed communication medium. A typical cluster is a set of computers or processor cores under centralized control, which the user perceives as a single entity. The main characteristic of a computing cluster is fault tolerance. To ensure greater survivability, cluster elements must be able to move in space and be reserved. This concerns, first of all, the control element (Host) and the nodes in which the accumulated information is stored (Storage). Scientific novelty consists in the method of orbital dynamic reconfiguration of roles. This method allows distributing the cluster elements in orbits relative to the control element, which, in turn, ensures a better connection with the rest of the cluster elements. Comparison is performed by the simulation results. Modeling is carried out with the developed computer program. Parameter of the wireless computing cluster running time in an extraordinary situation (disappearance of a signal between cluster elements, change in the cluster element position, etc.) is used as the comparison parameter.

The article considers an algorithmic model for initializing a wireless computing cluster with dynamic reconfiguration of roles by the orbital method, which significantly increases the fault tolerance of the cluster. The authors performed the analysis and comparison of the results of the described algorithm operation with existing ones. The results of the analysis revealed that dynamic reconfiguration of roles allows increasing the fault tolerance of a wireless computing cluster due to the fact that any of the elements are able to act as the ICD control element.


wireless computing cluster, algorithmic model, fault tolerance, graph, initialization algorithm


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