Application of the intelligent diagnostic system of information-converting aviation systems of integrated avionics under external disturbing influences

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-20


Bukirev A. S.*, Savchenko A. Y.**, Yatsechko M. I.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The problem of low depth of search for the place of failure by modern on-board automated control systems of aviation equipment, which negatively affects the intensity of recovery and combat readiness, is considered. The emerging need for operational diagnostics of the technical condition of information-converting aviation systems is a consequence of the increasing binding of a large number of systems to digital support and control, and the relegation of analog systems of modern avionics to the background. The need to diagnose the technical condition in real time, as well as the possibility of diagnosing systems on the ground, as well as during flights to perform special tasks, is an urgent problem, existing and proven practice, as well as data from enterprises that operate aviation equipment .The paper studies a model of an intelligent diagnostic system of information-converting aviation systems of integrated avionics, operating under external disturbances, with an assessment of the quality of adaptation of an artificial neural network to limiting external disturbances, in order to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of technical diagnostics by the criterion of minimizing the time of diagnosis and increasing the probability of timely departure of an aircraft to perform special tasks. The stability of the functioning of the model of an intelligent diagnostic system to external disturbing influences is substantiated by simulating the above process in the Simulink package of the MATLAB programming environment. The paper outlines the basic principles of the approach to building an intelligent diagnostic system for information-converting aviation systems of integrated modular avionics on-board equipment using artificial neural networks. Solving the problem of creating a model of an intelligent diagnostic system will make it possible to achieve the goal of moving to the creation of new diagnostic principles incorporated into modern on-board automated control tools.


intelligent diagnostic system, artificial neural networks, integrated modular avionics, control


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