Design and ballistic analysis of the prospects of using a single-module launch vehicle to supply an orbital station in a sun-synchronous orbit

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-25


Kuznetsov Y. L.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article is concerned with the substantiation of the design appearance of a reusable single-module launch vehicle (LV), which ensures the delivery of a playful payload (PlP) on board the orbital station. The design appearance of the LV is determined by the totality of its geometric, mass and energy characteristics. During the research, the KORONA single-module LV project designed at the OAO “Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau” was used as a parent variant. The research included a comparative analysis of the schemes of the power plant (PoP) and the layout of fuel containers for the LV, which ensures the delivery of the PlP to the orbital station operating in a sun-synchronous orbit with a height of 350 km and an inclination of 97 degrees. When determining the mass-dimensional characteristics of the LV, it was assumed that a PlP with a total mass of 5000 kg was delivered to the orbital station, which includes a cabin with a crew of four and 2000 kg of cargo in an unpressurized compartment, followed by the recovery of the crew and 200 kg of associated cargo to earth. Calculations of energy characteristics were carried out by modeling the motion of center of mass of the LV during the development of a typical flight pattern. This pattern includes launching the LV into an elliptical exchange orbit, ballistic pause, testing of the apogee pulse, which ensures the transfer of the LV to the working orbit of the station, splicing, deorbiting by testing the deceleration pulse, aerodynamic deceleration in the atmosphere and the final rocket-dynamic braking, which ensures a soft landing of the LV near the launch point.

According to the results of the research, the design appearance was formed and the limit (critical) masses of the structure and fuel filling were determined, as well as the PoP parameters of the reusable single-module LV of the KORONA type, which will ensure the delivery of the PlP of a given mass. It is shown that for the universal LV used in the transportation of manned and unmanned PlP, as well as to increase the mass perfection of the design of the LV, it is advisable to produce oxidizer and fuel tanks in the form of a monoblock with combined bottoms, and place the PlP in the front of the LV. A rational scheme of PoP operation is substantiated, which provides for a single activation of a cryogenic main engine with a central body used to form a transition orbit with an apogee height equal to the height of the station's working orbit, with the development of subsequent pulses using an orbital maneuvering engine (OME) of limited power on high-boiling fuel components. It is shown that the parameters of the OME: thrust and the geometric degree of nozzle expansion should be optimized from the condition of ensuring a minimum fuel consumption in the area of pre-landing braking. A high sensitivity of the mass of the PlP derived by a single-module LV from the height of the working orbit was revealed, which is due to a significant excess of the final mass of the LV structure compared to the mass of the output PlP. This feature limits the scope of application of a single-module reusable LV to circular orbits with a height of no more than 350-400 km.


speckles, glazing, exit from sealing, non-destructive testing, defect, cabin


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