Research of drag coefficients and solid rocket motor parameters for the analysis of the movement of a short-range bicaliber aircraft

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-07


Savin E. I.*, Minkov L. L.**

Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Tomsk region, 634050, Russia



A complex problem based on the determination of intra-ballistic and external-ballistic parameters for evaluating the flight zone of a short-range bicaliber aircraft is considered. The specifics of the short-range bicaliber aircraft are shown. The solid rocket motor provides fast acceleration in a short time period to the required speed (active section). After the end of the active section the basic shell, which has a smaller caliber, is disconnected from the booster stage and continues to move in the energy-passive section of the flight. This plan allows the use of solid fuel with high energy and temperature characteristics and the use of the lightweight composite materials design of the propulsion system. Also, resetting the booster stage of a larger caliber significantly improves the aerodynamic quality in the energy-passive flight section. The law of change of the axial component of the thrust force in the quasi-stationary combustion duration of solid rocket motors is used for the thrust force mathematical description. Equations for the longitudinal motion of a material point in the atmosphere are used for the mathematical description of external ballistics. The dependence of the drag coefficient on speed and altitude is given. The Heunʼs method with a predictor-corrector scheme is used for the numerical solution of differential equations. The possibility of a preliminary evaluation of the flight zone with the coordinates of a short-range aircraft is shown. To improve the accuracy of calculations, it is possible to supplement the systems of equations with components of the lateral force, lift force, Magnus force, aerodynamic moments, rudder angles, etc. Also, to improve the accuracy of the numerical solution of equations, higher order solution methods can be used.


bicaliber plan, drag coefficient, booster stage, basic shell, thrust


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