Development of a model of a laser triangulation rangefinder with a structured backlight

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-12


Gumenyuk A. A.*, Marinina I. A.**, Shtrunova E. S.***

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, 59/1, Gagarin Str., Ryazan, 390005, Russia



The article considers the problem of developing a laser triangulation rangefinder mathematical model with a structured backlight. Unlike the well-known approach based on Bresenham algorithm application, the model enables sub-pixel accuracy of the centers forming of the backlight markers, as well as accounts for their shape and brightness distribution while the structured lighting projecting onto the object at various angles.

Sub-pixel accuracy ensuring is achieved by determining the 3D-coordinates of the highlight markers’ brightness peaks employing the ray tracing method, and their pixel coordinates by the projective camera model. Lambert’s law of cosines is used to compute the reflections intensity. The shape and angular orientation of the highlight marker image are being determined by information about the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction of the radiation incident on the object, as well as by the parameters variation of the two-dimensional Gaussian distribution.


projective camera model, structured backlight, triangulation laser rangefinder, Lambert reflection law, subpixel accuracy


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