Simulation model linking reliability indicators with indicators of test and functional control of technical systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-19
*, **,Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
At present, various built-in and external control tools are widely used to ensure reliability and maintain technical availability of space-rocket technology. Models and interrelations allowing associating reliability and control indicators are necessary for the requirements substantiation to the control system characteristics in the technical design assignment with account for the given value of the object availability factor.
The article proposes a simulation model allowing evaluate a complex reliability indicator of an object, namely the availability factor, with account for the control system indicators and characteristics. Unlike the well-known models, differentiated control application, i.e. functional and test ones with different parameters, is being accounted for. Test control is characterized by high reliability, but, as a rule, it leads herewith to the downtime due to the fact that during the test control the object is not in use or is used limitedly extent and some time is required to transfer it from the control mode to the operating one. Functional control is less reliable, but is being performed in the «background» mode, and downtime can be associated only with erroneous control results. The developed model accounts for these types of control specifics. The admission on the parameters stationarity is eliminated as well. The developed model allows processing time-varying values of mean time between failures to account for various intensity of the technical system use for its intended purpose, as well as storage modes.
As the result of the simulation modeling, the availability factor values and the graphs of the availability function were obtained and analyzed. The inference was drawn that, if necessary, the availability function may be used to establish a boundary, below which the value of technical availability should not degrade throughout the entire time.
The practical significance lies in the possibility of employing the proposed model to adjust the frequency of the existing technical objects control, as well as to justify the requirements for control systems in the technical specifications formation for the development (modernization) of automated control systems and technological equipment for the space-rocket technology.
Markov process, availability function, availability factor, test control, functional controlReferences
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