Results of numerical simulation of the supersonic jet

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-24


Abdurashidov T. O.*, But A. B.**, Chupina E. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents calculations of supersonic cold turbulent jets using the application software. The calculation results are compared with experimental data. Methods are given for adapting the computational grid to obtain high-quality calculation results and save machine resources in the course of calculations. Computational studies of the outflow of supersonic jets, along with experimental works [1, 2, 5–13, 20], are of practical importance for engineering design work in the field of launch vehicle design and their operation. One of the main stages of numerical modeling is the validation of mathematical models on small experimental setups, which should confirm the correctness of the chosen mathematical model and methods for solving the numerical problem. Validation of the outflow of hot gas at supersonic speeds is complicated by the special nature of the flows, which have shock waves in their structure, the complex chemical composition of combustion products and possible chemical reactions that determine the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we consider the issue of numerical simulation of the shock wave structure described in the literature [1–4] and the turbulent flow of a cold supersonic jet, and also compare the calculated values with experimental data. The calculations presented in the article showed that the use of local adaptation of the grid in the regions of gradients made it possible to reduce the cost of computing power by 8.6 times, and also to achieve good agreement between the numerical results and the results obtained experimentally on a supersonic experimental model.


gas dynamics, supersonic jets, numerical simulation, computational calculation


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