Simulation of the vibration background of the spacecraft

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-02


Gerasimchuk V. V.*, Zhiryakov A. V.**, Kuznetsov D. A.***, Telepnev P. P.****

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



As pulses exchanging units, flywheel engines and correcting engines play the part of a fundamental component of the majority of spacecraft for both coarse orientation control and precise guidance. The rotating masses’ unbalance while flywheels engines operation and force vibration impacts caused by pressure pulsations in the combustion chamber of correction engines are able to cause excessive fluctuations of the research equipment, which may lead to a in the functioning accuracy decrease. The vibration load levels are being determined during the spacecraft experimental testing. However, it seems rational to select optimal places for the high-precision equipment installing by their vibration background modeling at the early design stages to minimize the level of their vibration load.

The vibration background was being determined for the developed finite element model of the spacecraft «flexible» design with the environment of the Femap with NX Nastran software package. Computations were performed for vibration loading options by one of the four engines-flywheels, and from the two correction engines. The model of the by the flywheel engine exposure accounted for the forces resulting from the flywheel imbalance. A harmonic action with an amplitude proportional to the square of the flywheel rotation speed was being modeled. The vibration load levels from the correction engines disturbing forces were studied for both in-phase and outphase cases of the exposure. The study was being performed by the harmonic analysis method. The values of the disturbances amounts corresponded to the levels of disturbances of the standard flywheel engines and correction engines.

The vibration load levels assessment in the places of the supposed fixing of the devices was being performed according to the maximum values of the computed linear and angular vibration accelerations, angular velocities and angular displacements along the three axes.

The vibration background modeling option of the of installation sites of the equipment sensitive to the position stability for its effective operation presented in the article allows for a preliminary assessment of the vibration load level of such equipment at the early stages of a spacecraft design.


natural oscillation frequency, dynamic circuit, spacecraft


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