Method for determining the initial conditions for the use of uncontrolled reactive ballistic bodies from mobile carrier

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-16
*, **Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
The problem of ballistics is the process of calculating the trajectory of an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body after it has been separated from the carrier. At present, the basis for calculating the trajectory is the canonical model of motion, which describes the change in velocity, nutation angle, angular velocity of nutation, trajectory inclination angle, and rocket coordinates. However, this model is adequate only in conditions of uniform rectilinear flight; when the carrier is maneuvering, additional corrections are made depending on the angles of attack and slip of the carrier. The accuracy of the use of unguided reactive ballistic bodies depends on the initial launch conditions, which are determined by the parameters of the carrier and target motion. Development of a methodology for determining the initial conditions for launching an unguided reactive ballistic body with a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier. A technique has been developed for determining the initial conditions for launching an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body with a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier, for which analytical expressions have been obtained to determine the initial values of velocity, nutation angle, angular velocity of the nutation angle, and trajectory inclination angle. The results obtained make it possible to obtain the dependences of the resulting initial velocity, the initial nutation angle, the initial nutation angular velocity, and the initial trajectory inclination angle on various conditions for launching an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body during a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier. The obtained experimental dependences can be used in the development of a ballistic algorithm to obtain the exact initial conditions necessary for integrating the differential equations of a complete ballistic motion model, which in turn will improve the aiming accuracy.
external ballistics, trajectory, uncontrolled reactive ballistic body, moving carrier, initial launch conditionsReferences
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