Digital twins in the aerospace industry: an object-oriented approach

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-24


Kuznetsova S. V.*, Semenov A. S.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The increasing complexity, versatility and uniqueness of aerospace products require new efficient approaches to their design and operation. It is expected that the use of digital twin technology will effectively solve emerging problems. In the publications and data sources, the concept of a digital twin is given quite a lot of definitions. The national standard GOST R 57700.37–2021, adopted in 2021, defines the digital twin of a product as follows: «A system consisting of a digital model of a product and two-way information links with the product (if the product is available) and (or) its components.» In the aerospace industry, there are the following features of creating digital twins:

  1. A variety of simulated environments in which the product is operated: aerodynamic, vacuum, gravitational, plasma, radiation, thermodynamic, liquid, etc.
  2. strict requirements for the adequacy and reliability of the product. At the same time, a digital twin of a complex product must be developed and manufactured within an acceptable timeframe, which requires new methods that adequately display the changing properties of physical objects in a digital representation.

The creation of a digital twin largely depends on the methodology of development, production and operation. It becomes relevant to create a software and technological platform for the production and use of digital twins in the aerospace industry, taking into account life cycle processes (according to GOST R 56135). A platform for creating digital twins should support the proposed methodology, methods for integrating physical objects with the Internet of Things, and graphodynamic description of simulated objects. The article explores the technology of developing digital twins in the aerospace industry. The main features of creating a digital twins in the aerospace industry have been determined. Fundamental technologies for the implementation of digital twins have been considered: Iot, XR, Cloud computing, AI, quantum modeling, cybersecurity. A fractal approximation methodology has been proposed for the development, production and operation of digital twins based on elastic objects, as well as a platform architecture for creating digital twins. The article considers incremental object-oriented development, production and operation of digital twins in combination with a graph-dynamic description of physical objects and methods of the Internet of things. Efficiency is achieved through the reuse of software and hardware components, surrogate models that integrate physical objects with the Internet of things and graphodynamic description of simulated objects.


рroduct digital twin, digital twin lifecycle, digital twin development methodology, Iot, XR (Extended reality), cloud computing, quantum modeling, system decomposition, incremental object-oriented development, fractal approximation


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