Investigation of radiation dose effect on physical and mechanical characteristics of metalized polyimide films of screen-vacuum heat insulation elements


Pronina P. F.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



External heat transfer regulation is one of the fundamental tasks for a spacecraft operation. Thermo-optical coatings and EVTIs are being related to the external heat exchange control. A typical conventional EVTI coating consists of 10-120 metallized polymer films separated by glass fibers (glass voile) or polyester meshes. EVTI is the best thermal insulation material for vacuum applications and is the preferred insulation material for both spacecraft and cryogenic systems. However, traditional EVTI displays a number of disadvantages, such as its difficulty or impossibility to maintain the required value of the gap between the film layers; the difficulty of ensuring stable performance characteristics; complex manufacturing and installation process. EVTI may be subjected herewith to the mechanical impacts not only while installation, but during operation as well. All this may lead to the changes in the tacking screens density, resulting in unstable thermo-physical characteristics. The work deals with the istudy of the radiation dose impact on physical and mechanical characteristics of polyimide films with metallized coating of screen-vacuum (EVTI) thermal insulation elements. The tensile test of rectangular samples produced by SPE Polyplen of PM-1EU-OA grade with aluminum coating was performed. Preliminary part of samples was subjected to radiation equal to 25 kGy, 50 kGy. In the course of the study the following diagrams were obtained: the stress-strain diagram determined at tensile tests of the sample, and displacement-loading of the sample. The level of radiation effect on each studied parameter was determined.


metalized polyimide films, screen-vacuum thermal insulation, tensile test, physical and mechanical characteristics


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