Dependence of the radio technical characteristics of waveguides included in the antenna-feeder systems of spacecraft and manufactured using selective laser fusion on the roughness of the channel surfaces


Borshchev Y. P.*, Kamyshanov I. V.**, Sysoev V. K.***

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



The article deals with the analysis of the of the radio technical characteristics dependence of waveguides as a part of the spacecraft antenna-feeder systems, and manufactured by selective laser fusion, on the roughness of the channels conductive surfaces. The need for this work arose as the result of the additive technology (SLM) introduction, which opened the possibility for manufacturing new, complex-profile structures of the spacecraft antenna-feeder systems elements with geometry and radio technical characteristics (RTC) close to the computed ones. However, along with numerous advantages, the SLM technology has a significant drawback, namely, the increased surface roughness (Ra) of approximately from 6.2 to 20.0 microns. At the same time, the tolerances recommended in the regulatory and reference literature for the of the conductive surfaces roughness of microwave devices are significantly lower.

The article presents the main factors of the SLM process affecting the amount of roughness, as well as the developed scheme of studies to assess the effect of roughness on the RTX of waveguides.

According to the research program, angular waveguides with channel sizes from 8,6×4,3 to 35×15 mm and transition from 8,6×4,3 to 10,7×4,3 mm, as well as straight waveguides with channel sizes of 28.5×12.6 mm were manufactured applying SLS technology, from domestic aluminum alloy powder, the channels surfaces herewith were not processed.

Straight waveguides, were arranged while 3D printing in groups at different angles relative to the construction platform.

Further, measurements of the RTX of the manufactured waveguides were performed, comparative diagrams of the frequency dependence in comparison with waveguides manufactured using traditional technology were adduced. The results of the RTX measurements revealed, in total, satisfactory results that meet the requirements of the design documentation. The results of the roughness measurements of the waveguide channels surfaces are presented.

Based on the waveguides data on roughness and the RTX, summarized in tables, the analysis of the roughness impact on the RTX was performed.

The analysis revealed that the waveguides RTX was deteriorates with an increase in the average roughness of the channel, which depends on the position of the part on the construction platform during 3D-printing. Optimal is the position, at which the overhanging surfaces of the channels have the smallest area.

The results of the conducted studies give grounds to recommend the SLM technology application in the AFS KA waveguides manufacturing in the centimeter range without additional treatment of channel surfaces. It is necessary herewith to set rational modes of the SLM process.


waveguides, selective laser fusion, roughness, radio technical characteristics, spacecraft


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