Multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle emergency landing algorithm based on underlying surface image analysis


Koshkarov A. S.*, Guliy D. D.**, Baryaksheva V. P.***

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



The imminent expansion of application areas of high-tech products has also affected the field of unmanned aircraft systems. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles is finding increasing application in various sectors of the national economy, aviation, automotive, and the use of lightweight light unmanned aerial vehicles already covers up to 100 different sectors of the modern economy. The trend towards the use of unmanned aerial vehicles remains stable and is presumed to continue to grow in the digital economy. However, despite all the benefits, the use of drones also carries certain risks associated with the possibility of an accident that could result in the loss of the drone or damage to the environment.

Implementing emergency standards and regulations is an important aspect of unmanned aerial vehicles to ensure the safety of people, the environment, and property. In the case of multirotors, this critical capability takes the form of forced landing site selection. Common examples of events requiring an emergency landing are low battery, loss of ground contact, and deterioration in performance of satellite navigation systems. Since these emergency situations require an immediate landing, it is important to be able to have safe landing in a dense urban environment and complex transportation infrastructure. Therefore, the realization of emergency landing of a multirotor type unmanned aerial vehicle is an actual research area in the field of unmanned aviation. The use of analysis of underlying surface combined with machine learning methods and neural networks, will can significantly improve the efficiency of emergency landing methods, providing a more accurate assessment of the surface condition.

The paper presents the procedure for developing an algorithm for emergency landing of a multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle based on the analysis of the underlying surface image. The realization of the algorithm is carried out in two stages: image segmentation using the UNetFormer neural network and detection of a safe landing zone with the allocation of safe classes of objects observed in the frame, calculation of the occupied area of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the emergency frame and the range to the emergency landing zone selected by the algorithm.


drone, emergency landing, semantic image segmentation


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