Mathematical model control loop guidance system of radio beam riding


Burenko E. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The purpose of this article is to review the theoretical principles and practical methods for constructing a mathematical model of the control loop of a radio beam riding guidance system using modern computer simulation programs Mathcad and MATLAB – Simulink. The principles of constructing mathematical models of the control loop for a radio beam riding guidance system of a guided missile when aiming at a target by the method of combination (target covering) using modern computer simulation programs Mathcad and MATLAB – Simulink are considered. The construction of a model in the Mathcad environment using the method of numerical solution of a system of differential equations describing the control loop (modeling as a solution to the Cauchy problem), as well as the construction of a simulation model in the MATLAB environment – Simulink based on the mathematical apparatus of functional links, is considered. The modeling of the processes of missile guidance to an air target performing a maneuver with a given normal overload has been carried out. The trajectory of the control point, missile and target, obtained as a result of modeling, as well as the main phase variables of the model characterizing the process of aiming the missile at the target, are presented. The capabilities of the corresponding computer programs in modeling guidance systems are shown. The practical value of the work also lies in the possibility of using the developed mathematical models in the educational process for students to master the principles of construction and operation of guidance systems, as well as to develop the skills of mathematical modeling of the corresponding systems.


radio control system, guidance, beam riding guidance, radio beam riding, beam riding guidance system, control loop, guidance loop, guided missile, Cauchy problem, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling, computer modeling


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