A method of operational assessment of survivability of multimode complex objects


Pavlov A. N.*, Gordeev A. V.*, Vorotyagin V. N.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru


One of the urgent tasks of the structurally complex objects studying with their multi-mode functioning is the task of reliability and survivability indicators assessing with regard to the structural and functional specifics of modes implementation. The article demonstrates that the problem of the survivability index estimating for monotonous structurally complex objects by iterating through the functional states of the system and variants of destructive impacts refers to the super-complex combinatorial problems. This requires searching for the ways for the exhaustive search avoidance, including the one through the object operability polynomial application, which stores various topological properties of the structural and functional interaction of the system elements in the functioning modes implementation. Integral indicators of structural and functional reliability, as well as a formula for the operational approximate computing of structural and functional survivability values were introduced employing applying direct and dual parametric genome of the multimode object structure. The article considers the motion control system of a small spacecraft as a multi-mode complex object. Computations were performed and presented with an unknown cyclogram of the orientation modes implementation, and under conditions of spatial destructive impacts of the i-th multiplicity. In other words, by the result of one destructive impact, i failed elements, are observed simultaneously in the system; calculations of approximate values of structural and functional survivability indicators for various extreme conditions for the use of spacecraft orientation modes. Indicators of structural and functional reliability and survivability of multi-mode objects are proposed, which will allow analyzing and evaluating the properties of reliability and survivability of a particular configuration option during system degradation.


multi-mode complex object, structural and functional survivability, parametric structure genome


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