Study of the opening process of the transformable umbrella antenna of the repeater spacecraft taking into accout vibrations of the mechanical system


Lyashevskiy A. V., Prokopenko E. A.*, Ginzburg T. V., Golovchanskaya N. V.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The spacecraft antenna reflector (net-canvas) deployment from the transport to the orbital position is accompanied by the appearance of oscillatory processes that preserve energy after its fixation in the working position [2, 3]. These fluctuations of the structure lead to the efficiency decrease of the system in total.

The article considers the results of numerical modeling of the opening process of a repeater spacecraft transformable umbrella antenna to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of the large-sized antennas opening to assess the effectiveness of the spacecraft functioning.

A model of a transformable antenna of the “Beam” repeater spacecraft, consisting of form-forming spokes fixed pivotally to the base, and a network canvas stretched between them was considered as a prototype. The kinematic scheme of the antenna structure consists of a spoke fixed pivotally to a fixed base; a connecting rod connected pivotally to a spoke and a slider and performing plane-parallel motion; a slider moving translationally.

The effect of the elastic modulus of the material on the magnitude of residual vibrations and their frequency was found. The change in the design, allowing reducing the residual vibrations value was proposed and analyzed.

The simulation results analysis allowed revealing the effect of the initializing force nature and the materials employed in the design on the final velocity, final acceleration, opening time, required initialization force, voltage, amplitude of residual oscillations and their frequency, frequency and forms of natural oscillations of the spacecraft antenna structural elements.

The proposed approach to the analysis of large-sized spacecraft antennas allows accounting for the effect of the materials of the spacecraft structural elements antenna and the initializing force nature on the final speed, final acceleration, opening time, required initialization force, voltage.


spacecraft, transformable antenna, vibrations, finite element method


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