Computational and experimental method of accounting for the dewatering system in the analysis of natural frequencies and waveforms

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-12
*, **, ***, ****Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
The article is devoted to the issue of ensuring the adequacy of the developed finite element models of oscillators to real samples of the spacecraft. In the computational and experimental method, the correction of KE models of dynamic systems minimizes the difference in values between the target characteristics of the real design and the computational model. The main stages of the method are:
- Development of a low-frequency dynamic circuit and finite element models of oscillators.
- Modal analysis of finite element models in order to determine the frequencies and forms of natural oscillations of oscillators.
- Experimental studies, for example, by the method of free oscillations to determine the natural frequencies and attenuation decrements of the product, in which a dewatering system is used to reproduce conditions identical to flight conditions.
- Verification of the adequacy of the developed finite element models to the test results. To do this, the model introduces additional reduced stiffness in the attachment points of the dewatering system.
- Correction (if necessary, for example, if the discrepancies between the values of the target characteristics of the simulation and the test results exceed 10...15%) of finite element models of a dynamic system by converting the original stiffness matrix by adding members of the stiffness matrix of the correcting finite element model.
- Refinement of the frequency spectrum of natural vibrations of the structure after the exclusion of elements of the dewatering system from the model.
The computational and experimental method of accounting for the dewatering system in the analysis of natural frequencies and waveforms allows us to obtain an adjusted model fully suitable for further development of spacecraft control algorithms on a system (dynamic circuit) as close as possible to the real one.
Using the example of two oscillators — a solar panel wing and a rod for carrying out scientific equipment — the article demonstrates practical and theoretical techniques for correcting finite element models using experimental research data.
Based on the results of the full-scale determination of the natural frequencies and vibration patterns of the structure, the correction of finite element models developed using the Femap with NX Nastran package was carried out, and the adequacy assessment (verification of the correspondence of the model to the real system) of the dynamic circuit of the spacecraft, taking into account the influence of the dewatering system. The achieved difference between the target characteristics of the real design and the calculated model was less than 9%.
natural oscillation frequency, solar battery, dynamic circuit, spacecraftReferences
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