Mathematical modeling of dynamic conditions of vibration machines


Bolshakov R. S.*, Gozbenko V. E.**, Quang T. V.***

Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS), 15, Chernyshevsky str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia



The subject of the study is a technical object in the form of a vibration technological machine used in the implementation of technological processes associated with vibration hardening, transportation, sorting, etc. The technical object under consideration contains mass-inertial and elastic elements.

The purpose of the study is to assess the possibilities of changing the dynamic condition of a vibration technological machine by adjusting the parameters of the constituent elements to obtain stable dynamic operating modes of the technological equipment in question.

As a research tool, structural mathematical modeling is used, based on the use of dynamic analogues of the original design diagrams of vibration technological machines in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems with several degrees of freedom, which are structural diagrams of automatic control systems.

The main results obtained during the research include the construction of a mathematical model of a vibration technological machine, which allows one to assess the dynamic comdition of the technical object under study, as well as change parameters to obtain motion modes in which there are no angular vibrations of the working body of the vibration technological machine.

The use of the obtained results is possible when modernizing and designing vibration technological machines by introducing additional elements into their structure, the parameters of which can vary depending on the type of technological process. Based on the proposed method, a control system for the technical object under consideration can be created.

The conducted research allows us to propose a method for assessing the dynamic interactions between the elements of a vibration technological machine.


structural mathematical modeling, Laplace transforms, vibration technological machines, block diagrams, vibration hardening


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