Development of water jet ejector with a wide range of flow characteristics


Basharina T. A.*, Yeltsov I. S.**, Akolzin I. V.***, Kruzhaev K. V.****

LLC SPE "InterPolaris", Novovoronezh, Russia



The article presents the results of the development and hydrodynamic studies of the operating modes of a water jet ejector operating in a wide range of flow characteristics (3-100 l/min) and representing a jet pump with axial supply of an active (working) single-phase liquid medium and radial supply of a passive (ejectable) single-phase liquid medium. In the course of a computational experiment with subsequent verification of the results with a full-scale experiment, operable and inoperable modes of operation of the device were identified, the dependence of efficiency on the values of active and passive media consumption in a wide range was obtained. The basis for the computational experiment is a geometric model of the flow area of the working fluid, in which the simulation of the area of reduced pressure in the receiving chamber occurs by the outflow of the active medium at high speed through the working nozzle and subsequent pumping of the ejected medium. Of the 25 designs of the water jet ejector, the most promising one was selected, the confirmation of the operability of which was carried out in 9409 operating modes. Several main structural elements have been identified, each of which, as it was found, significantly affects the functioning of the device. The conducted research allowed us to identify practical recommendations used in the development. In the verification process, the difference between the computational experiment and the full-scale one was established, not exceeding 5%, which corresponds to sufficient engineering accuracy. The high degree of reliability of the results obtained, confirmed by field tests, allows the use of this water jet ejector of the developed design in the task of pumping media with a wide range of volumetric flow rates.


water jet ejector, numerical modeling, field experiment, hydrodynamic study


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