Investigation of the process of fuel outflow from the centrifugal nozzle of a liquid rocket engine


Prokopenko E. A.*, Gerasimenko E. Y.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The article presents a study of the consumption characteristics of a centrifugal nozzle by numerical modeling methods using the ANSYS CFX software package with verification of the results obtained by the method of spills used by the component of rocket fuel.

Numerical studies were carried out in the ANSYS CFX software package to determine the nozzle spray angle. A three-dimensional model of a centrifugal nozzle was developed as an object of research.

Similar studies were carried out at various pressure drops on the nozzle using expressions for the flow coefficients of an ideal centrifugal nozzle (µf) with a tangential inlet.

Measurements of the volume of liquid fuel flowing out over a certain period of time were carried out with a corresponding pressure drop in the fuel tank and the environment to determine the mass flow through the nozzle. Pressure losses in the fuel line were previously measured, taking into account local resistances and losses along the length of the pipeline lines. Accounting for pressure losses is necessary to ensure the specified accuracy of determining fuel consumption through the nozzle. Alcohol is used as a fuel of a given concentration at the current values of ambient temperature and pressure. These data made it possible to calculate the fuel density and its kinematic viscosity coefficient.

Analysis of the values of the coefficients of mf obtained by experimental and computational methods shows that the theoretical value of µf for an ideal centrifugal nozzle is significantly less than the real value. The values of µf are constant at different values of the pressure drop at the nozzle, with the same geometric parameters of the nozzle. These differences are beginning to manifest themselves to a lesser extent in terms of mass expenditures.

The results of the conducted studies show that the flow characteristics of a real centrifugal nozzle may differ from the ideal one. On the one hand, this contradiction is due to the deviation of geometric characteristics from nominal values during the manufacture of nozzles and the geometric parameters of the flow sections and the location of sensor equipment on the pouring stand, on the other hand. This leads to the fact that it is necessary after the manufacture of the nozzle to carry out its spillage in order to clarify the design values of the consumption characteristics in the end. The results obtained can be used in the development of the technological process of manufacturing new injectors and refining defective ones.


centrifugal nozzle, flow coefficient, rocket fuel, experimental research


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