Parametric synthesis of a low-power potentiometric tracking system


Vataeva E. Y.

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



Currently, the most rapidly developing areas of research in the theory of automatic control are nonlinear and stochastic analyses. This interest is justified by the fact that most physical processes in nature and systems in the real world are nonlinear and are also subject to random disturbances, i.e. stochastic. In modern automatic control theory there are a large number of methods and studies devoted to the synthesis of nonlinear automatic control systems, but no unified approach has been developed that would allow the synthesis of nonlinear automatic control systems of any complexity. Also, difficulties in solving the problem of synthesizing nonlinear automatic control systems also arise when constructing an adequate mathematical model, since this issue is related to the idealization of the properties of both the elements of the control system and the automatic control system as a whole. It is known that when constructing a mathematical model, all the basic and most essential features and properties of the synthesized ACS must be preserved; in the presence of nonlinear elements in the ACS, this situation is associated with the choice of the correct choice of approximation [1-10]. As is known, there are various types of approximations of the characteristics of nonlinear elements, for example, analytical, power, piecewise linear, approximation by irrational functions. However, for accurate implementation of a nonlinear characteristic with piecewise linear approximation, it is necessary to increase the number of piecewise linear sections, which leads to complication and an increase in the synthesis time of such a system. With analytical approximation, it is quite difficult to instantly obtain the correct analytical expression. In this work, it is proposed to use polynomial approximation. As a mathematical apparatus it is proposed to use the generalized Galerkin method.


tracking system, nonlinear systems, polynomial approximation, impulse systems, generalized Galerkin method


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