Testing the method of automated placement of elements on a rigid-flexible printed board using practical examples


Makeev P. A.*, Chermoshentsev S. F.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia

*e-mail: pragramer@yandex.ru
**e-mail: sapr@kai.ru


The use of rigid-flex printed circuit boards on aircraft is due to the necessity of reducing overall dimensions and its weight. However, the use of rigid-flex printed circuit boards leads to problems of with thermal and electromagnetic compatibility due to the high density of elements on the board.

This article proposes the use of a technique for automated placement of elements on a rigid-flex printed circuit board of an electronic device, taking into account thermal and electromagnetic compatibility based on a two-level genetic algorithm.

The technique includes two levels of placing elements on the printed circuit board. At each level of the methodology, when solving the problem of automated elements placement, a modified genetic algorithm is used. The first level of the technique consists of super elements placement (an active element-microcircuit and associated passive elements) on a rigid-flex printed circuit board, taking into account the criteria of thermal compatibility and a minimum of total weighted length. The second level of the technique ensures the elements placement on the printed circuit board within a super element, taking into account the criteria of electromagnetic compatibility and the minimum of total weighted length. Verification of the obtained solutions is achieved through the use of computer modeling tools at each level of the proposed methodology. This ensures thermal and electromagnetic compatibility on the rigid-flex printed circuit board.

Validation of the developed methodology on a real practical example confirms its effectiveness and the quality of the results of elements placement on a rigid-flex printed circuit board. A summary of practical examples demonstrates the possibility of using the developed methodology for the printed circuit boards design, as a special case of rigid-flexible printed circuit boards.


automated placement, genetic algorithm, rigid-flex printed circuit board, thermal compatibility, electromagnetic compatibility


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