Algorithm for determining the parameters of oblinated projections of points on the earth's surface for circular orbits of space vehicles


Minakov E. P.*, Aleksandrov M. *, Mishcheryakov A. , Mishcheryakov S.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The task of determining the parameters of inclined projections of points on the surface of the Earth and the algorithm for determining the parameters of inclined projections of visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth are presented, as well as an example of determining the boundaries of the inclined projection of parameters of inclined projections of visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth. An approach is being considered to assess the effectiveness of the use of Earth remote sensing spacecraft, based not on route calculations, with significant computational costs, but on the use of inclined projections, which significantly reduces these costs. The obtained results demonstrate a high degree of coincidence of the longitude of the projection boundaries of the visibility zones of Earth remote sensing spacecraft with points for routes and inclined projections for both straight and reverse orbits, which indicates the adequacy of the proposed algorithm for determining the parameters of inclined projections of the visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of Earth remote sensing spacecraft.

The algorithm allows you to obtain correct results, has extremely high information and operational characteristics and provides the opportunity to calculate inclined projections for groups of the same type of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth exactly once. This makes it possible to recommend a developed algorithm for solving the problems of determining coverage data and assessing the effectiveness of their application by regions on the Earth's surface for circular orbits of distan spacecraft


oblique projection, circular orbit, earth remote sensing spacecraft


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