*, *, , *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
The article considers discrete Markov model for efficiency estimating of orbital aids for safety zones monitoring of critically significant spacecraft by the probability of dangerous objects detecting indicators and mathematical expectation of the event occurrence number, associated with the use of resourcesща the orbital monitoring aids. The author adduces mathematical estimation models of the specified random events and definitions of the optimal and required values of transition probabilities, as well as examples of the said characteristics estimation and results of numerical experiments on each of the models being suggested. Practical meaningfulness of the obtained results consists the software developing, trying-out of mathematical models and software during numerical experiments, esteems obtaining of the orbital monitoring aids application effects and their correctness evaluation, as well as proposals on their employing for technical characteristics assessment and ways of the created orbital monitoring systems application.
orbital monitoring aids, dangerous objects, safety zone, critically significant space vehicle, indicator of efficiency, probability, mathematical expectation, discrete-time Markov chain, probability of transition, matrix, graphReferences
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