The system of methods for analyzing, predicting and optimization of trajectory conditions of laser semi-active guidance systems


Masliev A. 1, Khismatov I. 2

1. State Research Institute of aviation systems, Moscow, Russia
2. Moscow research television Institute, 7a, str. Golyanovskaya, Moscow, 105094, Russia


The study is devoted to improving the performance of flight tests of laser semi-active guidance systems (LPS) by predicting the ranges of the laser spot at the test site based on the results of the analysis of a statistical sample of previously conducted experiments. The analyzed statistical sample is formed by the method of mathematical modeling, the input information for which is the results of recording the detection range of the laser spot, the characteristics of the illumination and reception equipment, weather conditions and reflective properties of the target used. Based on the linearization of the relative mathematical expectation of the input information vector of the mathematical model, an expression is obtained for the variance of the error in calculating the threshold energy flux at the optical radiation receiver, depending on the variances of the information used. The relative weights of the errors of the input information in the structure of the error in calculating the threshold radiation flux were determined, an assessment of the consistency of the calculated values of its dispersion with experimental data was performed, the results of which confirmed the adequacy of the developed mathematical model in terms of reproducing the factors acting in the "sublight-target-receiver" system. The prediction of the detection ranges of the laser spot is performed depending on the planned trajectory conditions, characterized by the transparency of the atmosphere on the tracks, the illumination angles and the sight of the target. An indicator of the reliability of forecasting is the probability of spot detection in a given range of ranges, which is estimated based on information about weather conditions, trajectory parameters and the obtained estimates of the variance of the results of threshold flow modeling. A mathematical model has been developed for the distribution of the radiation energy flux at the LPS receiver, depending on the characteristics of the trajectories of reception and illumination of polygon targets, weather conditions. The mathematical model differs from the known ones by using experimentally determined indicators of brightness coefficients distributed over the surface of the polygonal target model, which makes it possible to take into account its optical and geometric characteristics in calculations, which have a significant impact on the results of the LPS function. The results of mathematical modeling have been confirmed by field flight experiments. It has been established that the optimal conditions for conducting flight experiments according to the criterion of the minimum variance of the calculated threshold values are conditions in which the detection range is maximum. The use of the developed methodological apparatus in the planning of flight tests will reduce the degree of uncertainty, increase the reliability of the analysis results, as well as develop procedures for searching for optimal conditions for conducting flight experiments, eliminating discrepancies in the interpretation of their results.


semi-active laser systems, statistical hypothesis testing, error structure, flight tests, modeling, methods of analysis and forecasting


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