Variable-length link model with controllable stiffness and movable pole for aerospace exosuit


Blinov A. O.1*, Borisov A. V.1**, Mukharlyamov R. G.2***, Goncharova I. A.1****, Borisova V. L.3*****

1. the Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» in Smolensk, 1 Energeticheskiy proezd, Smolensk, Russia, 214013
2. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russia, 117198
3. Smolensk State Academy of Agriculture, 10/2 Bolshaya Sovetskaya str., Smolensk, Russia, 214000



The article considers a model of a variable-length link containing a magnetorheological fluid for actively controlling its stiffness under the influence of a changing external magnetic field. The distinguishing feature of the proposed model, compared to those created previously, is the presence of a movable pole at the lower point of the link with a specified law of motion, for example, due to the movement of a link positioned below. Thus, the link model has seven degrees of freedom: three translational movements of the pole, three rotations around the pole, and variable link length when the upper part moves relative to the pole. In the proposed link construction, all elements are modeled as cylinders or disks of finite radius. Moments of inertia are defined for them relative to axes passing through the link's origin for the three coordinate axes. It is taken into account that the amount of magnetorheological fluid below and above the piston changes as it moves inside the cylinder, with changes in the link's length. This changes the moment of inertia of the link. This determines the novelty of the research. The dynamics of the link are described by Lagrange's equations, constituting a system of seven ordinary second-order differential equations. A software-based motion control method is selected, and based on it, the inverse dynamics problem is solved - determining the control moments and forces that need to be applied to realize the specified link movements. The created link model, when combined into a multi-link structure, can find application in the development of exoskeletons in the form of spacesuits, protective exoskeletons enhancing and supporting the physical capabilities of pilots and astronauts in the aerospace industry.


spacesuit, exosuit, exoskeleton, variable length, magnetorheological fluid, controllable stiffness


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