Numerical modeling of interaction blown argon jets system with supersonic flow


Snazin A. A., Sevchenko V. I.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The search for optimal methods of interaction with supersonic flows using blown gas jets is an important and relevant area that is currently receiving great attention. In this paper, a detailed study of the mutual influence of a blown argon jets system with an incoming supersonic flow in the computational domain with and without a ledge is carried out. The angle of convergence and divergence of the blown argon jets was varied in order to study its effect on the efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow in the computational domain.

In this paper, a detailed study of the mutual influence of a system of blown argon jets with an incoming supersonic flow in the computational domain with and without a ledge is carried out. The angle of convergence and divergence of the blown argon jets was varied in order to study its effect on the efficiency of mixing argon with a supersonic flow.

When the angle is reduced to α = +30°, the argon distribution profile over the volume of the calculated area takes a cylindrical shape and shifts closer to its geometric center, which negatively affects the efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow. The addition of a ledge to the upper wall of the design area, which organizes the falling jump of the seal, leads to a restructuring of the shock wave structure. As a result, the cross-sectional area occupied by argon at the exit from the calculated area increases, but the argon flow profile remains the same cylindrical. At a convergence angle of α = - 30°, the area of the passage section at the exit from the design area becomes equal to 35%.

When the blown jets diverge (α = - 5 °- 30), argon is pressed more strongly to the bottom of the calculated area, especially when blown from the side holes. Further downstream, the argon blown out of the side holes expands, moves away from the plane of symmetry and twists as a result of the formation of a pair of large counter-rotating vortices. Further, the argon flow profile expands more and occupies a larger cross-sectional area of the calculated area. Adding a ledge to the upper wall of the design area at the maximum angle of divergence a = -30°. It allows to stabilize the cross-sectional area occupied by argon in such a way that it does not change throughout the entire distance to the exit from the calculated area and is equal to d33%, which shows the best efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow.


blown gas jet, supersonic flow, mesh adaptation, shock wave


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