Research of extreme work regime of semi-active system for homing of guided missiles


Aliyeva G. V.*, Agamaliev R.

National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic



Such aircraft striking means as missiles, projectiles, aerial bombs can be effectively used only if they function together with their target guidance system. When building criteria for the effectiveness of guidance systems, the important role of these weapons on the battlefield should be taken into account, as well as the requirement of high reliability of their delivery to the target. High efficiency of guidance systems can be achieved by applying advanced mathematical models of the guidance system control circuit. The created mathematical models and missile guidance algorithms must be tested using all possible optimization procedures. Such requirements are relevant not only for external guided missile guidance systems, but also for projectile homing systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. The presented article is devoted to the analysis of extreme operating modes of a semi-active guidance system of an optically guided missile at a target. The case of a heat-emitting target and the use of pyroelectric sensors is considered. Two modes of operation of the system are analyzed: (a) there is a restriction on the movement of the emitter towards the target, (b) there is a restriction on the movement of the missile launcher towards the target. In the first mode, the functional dependence of the distance of the emitter to the target on the independent variable is determined when the functional of the target reaches a minimum. In the second mode, the functional dependence of the distance of the rocket launcher to the target on the independent variable at which the target functional reaches a minimum is determined. The identified two modes are characterized as extremely undesirable, which should be avoided.


guidance system, optimization, guided missile, pyroelectric sensor, target functionality


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