Method of the compressor characteristic representation in aviation GTE mathematical model


Ezrokhi Y. A.*, Kalenskii S. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The presented article analyzes the basic methods of the compressor characteristic representation in aviation GTE (gas-turbine engine) mathematical model (ЕММ). It considered specifics of their realization in the approximated and tabular forms, and marked advantages and disadvantages of both methods
When setting compressor characteristics in the approximated form, a work on processing the characteristic at hand, obtained, for example, by computing, or as the result of the compressor off-line tests, should be performed prior to the computation of the engine itself begins. Moreover, although this procedure is automated nowadays to a great extent, which somehow simplifies this process, the complete lack of visibility of the obtained results makes this method inconvenient in many cases. Besides, even for the trifle correction of the compressor characteristic (such as adding and/or excluding a few points) the whole process of the characteristic processing should be repeated anew, which certainly complicates (at least prolongs in time) the process of the gas turbine engine parameters and characteristics computing.
Besides its obviousness (initial data file contains straightforwardly the values of the compressor parameters), the tabular form of characteristics setting allows, if necessary, correcting one or several values of this or that parameter directly in the initial data file, which simplifies to a great extent the process of the aviation engine parameters and characteristics computation.
However, in both cases of the EMM characteristics setting in classical representation one has to deal with rather complex non-monotonous dependencies  with both vertical and horizontal sections.
The authors propose a new approach to the compressor characteristics formation, which allows forming the lines of characteristic in the form of the smooth monotonous dependencies close to straight ones. Compared to the complex curves for classical representation of the compressor characteristic, these dependencies are much easier to approximate and-or extrapolate while employing them in the EMM.


compressor characteristics, approximation of characteristics, mathematical model of the engine


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