Conditions of crack propagation in sealed compartments of orbital space stations

*, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Recently, the most pressing issue is the possible duration of the flight of orbiting spacecraft after a collision with objects of man-made origin. Even sufficiently small particle sizes can lead to damage to the elements of sealed compartments in the form of surface microcracks. The relevance of this task will increase in the coming years due to the current trend towards increasing pollution of near-Earth space by man-made particles, most of which are in near-Earth orbit. It is unacceptable to neglect the collision of orbital vehicles with such particles. In this regard, the diagnosis of failures of aircraft with damage in the form of cracks is of great importance, since it will allow to justify the duration of stay of orbital space assets in orbit for the possibility of performing the task assigned to them. The article develops criteria for the propagation of cracks in the elements of sealed compartments of space stations and spacecraft, depending on the characteristic sizes of cracks and possible levels of operational loads. As a result of calculations performed in accordance with the developed criteria, as well as on the basis of experimental results, an assessment of the operability of structural elements of sealed compartments with surface cracks at various load levels was carried out, depending on the initial depth and shape of the crack, structural material and operating conditions. environment. Typical diagrams of the propagation conditions of surface and through cracks in the elements of sealed compartments of orbiting spacecraft are presented. These diagrams take into account the asymmetry of the loading cycle, external conditions (vacuum and air), as well as the peculiarities of the formation of fatigue thresholds of small and short cracks. The results obtained are of considerable interest and make it possible to more quickly diagnose failures of aircraft operated in conditions of clogging of near-Earth space with objects of natural and artificial origin, the probability of collision with which increases every year.
crack, shell, leak, residual life, tightness, diagnostics, operability, sealed compartmentReferences
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