A model for monitoring the technical condition of complex using artificial intelligence

, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
As of today, various backing-up methods, such as general, partial, constant, stand-by, moving, loaded, hot standby, cold stanby etc., are being employed for complex engineering devices reliability enhancing. Backing-up is one of the main ways for reliability ensuring the space-rocket technology. General and separate hot redundancy herewith is being widely employed for ground equipment, with this tripling and the “2 out of 3” majority schemes are being applied. Doubling with cold redundancy application is characteristic of the spacecraft onboard device, which is being associated with weight-and-size limitations. Switching to the stand-by element occurs at the main one failure automatically by the switches or on command from the ground based control complexes.
The article proposes application of the artificial intelligence models, namely Bayesian networks, for the reliability computing and monitoring of complex engineering devices with circuits of various types of redundancy as their part. In contrast to the classical approach to the systems reliability computing, the proposed application of Bayesian networks allows accounting for the new data entry on the elements failures, accomplishing the search for the failure causes of the entire system, which is necessary for solving the tasks of technical condition monitoring during operation. For the objects, in which cold redundancy is being realized, models that make provisions for the switch erroneous actuation and failure, as well as account for the time delay of the switch actuation, are proposed. The article gives the example of reliability computing and monitoring the of the spacecraft motion control system. The novelty of the presented work consists in the following: - the authors proposed a new approach to computing reliability indicators of complex technical devices with Bayesian trust networks; - the article proposed determining the elements and the whole system dynamic types by accounting for the temporal logic, i.e. application of logical-and-probabilistic links and inference with account for the time instants; -examples of Bayesian network models for computinng schemes with various types of redundancy are considered; - the possibility of accounting for the erroneous operation and failure of switches, as well the switching time delay, is demonstrated. In additioin a comparative analysis of the computation results and graphs of the trouble-free operation probability of the systems with “ideal” and “non-ideal” switches is presented. The proposed approach may be applied at the design stages of spacecraft subsystems, to substantiate the requirements of technical specifications, as well as a of a spacecraft operation to ensure an operational search for the cause of failure and decision taking in case of emergencies.
dependability, cold reserve, switching element, Bayesian network, monitoring, spacecraftReferences
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