Numerical modeling using the Fox Williams-Hawkings integral method of reducing acoustic pressure using the interaction of a jet stream with a water flow


Ispravnikova O. V.*, Peshkov R. A.**, Fedorov A. V.***

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



Aeroacoustics is a branch of aerospace engineering that focuses on the study of the generation, propagation, and control of noise in relation to aircraft and other aerodynamic systems. This involves analyzing and optimizing various factors that contribute to noise, such as engine design, airflow and structural components. The development of the aerospace industry leads to increased requirements for the noise level of aircraft, which necessitates the search for new ways to reduce it. In modern aeroacoustics, which studies sound phenomena that include many aspects such as generation, propagation and recording of sound, methods of interdisciplinary physics are actively used. The concept of aeroacoustic phenomena has expanded from the simple study of sound generation to a process that includes not only sound generation, but also sound propagation and its recording at receivers. Moreover, aeroacoustics is not limited to just external noise pollution as well, but also deals with flow-structure interaction, aerovibroacoustics, damage detection and structural health monitoring, etc. Determining acoustic noise levels is a complex task, often requiring large-scale experiments. Numerical modeling allows one to effectively study the influence of various parameters on system characteristics, while reducing the amount of necessary experimental research. The purpose of this work was to numerically simulate the process of reducing the noise of a supersonic jet through its interaction with a water flow. The simulation was carried out using the ANSYS Fluent software package. To calculate the acoustic fields, the Fox-Williams-Hawkings method was used, which has significant advantages in the speed and accuracy of calculations compared to other methods and is widely used in solving modern aeroacoustics problems.


aeroacoustics, noise, supersonic jet, ANSYS Fluent, turbulence


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