Software reproduction of correlations in small samples in the statistical analysis of biometric data and market data in the space of values of the empirical Hurst indicator.


Ivanov A. I.1*, Tarasov D. V.2**, Ermakova A. I.2***

1. 1Penza Scientific Research Electrotechnical Institute, Penza, Russia
2. Penza State Univercity, 40, Krasnaya street, Penza, 400026, Russia



 The purpose of the study consists in describing the software modeling of correlations specifics when simulating small samplings with a computer. The classic Hurst indicator is widely used in practice, as it allows evaluating the fractal components of the biometric data model. The alike models may be used in the identification systems elaboration based on biometric data, such as airport biometric systems to increase security and speed up the process of passenger control. No doubt, the need for collecting, processing and storing a large amount of biometric information forces researchers to search for the ways for the data volume reducing of the samplings. The Hurst indicator is widely used as well in the models describing price fluctuations on the market. It is usually employed herewith for retrospective market analysis, since it requires large samplings of initial data. It is possible to reduce the sampling volume by employing the model of the market prices variation nonstationarity and biometric data. The article demonstrates that the weighting index of the summarized data does not depend on the volume of the reproduced computed sampling of experimental data over wide range. The author presents a functional relationship of the mathematical expectation of the correlation coefficient of data cohesion within artificial small samplings of the volume of 13 to 35 experiments. The error of the hypothesis of the correlation coupling indicator stability of the data of the two independent software generators was estimated.


correlation coefficient, small samples, statistical Hurst criterion, linking by summation of data of two software generators of pseudorandom numbers


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