Calibration of active electronically scanned array antenna in anechoic chamber based on measurements of the characteristics of radiators in the near field zone


Stakozov A. O.*, Temchenko V. S.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A phased array antenna is composed of element antennas and some electronic components.  Parameters of electronic components vary with temperature, drift over time or suffer from aging effects, there is amplitude and phase errors when excite element antennas or do the add operation. To realize good performance of a phase array, calibration method is applied to compensate the errors. While the details and extent of this calibration vary from system to system, virtually all of them require that each element`s amplitude, phase (or time delay), and even polarization are set correctly to achieve the desired beam pattern. The article presents the calibration results implemented on the basis of numerical modeling of a multi-element active electronically scanned array (AESA) consisting of linear radiators designed to work in modern radio engineering systems. The results of modeling the calibration of the AESA transmit/receive modules (TRM) kit obtained on the basis of the proposed method, which is based on the use of a calibrated reference antenna with known characteristics, which completely coincides with the placement and type of emitters on the aperture of a certified AESA. This approach makes it possible to determine the technical condition of the tested AESA based on comparison with the reference AESA, including an assessment of the alignment of the power distribution circuit, the characteristics of attenuators and phase shifters, the determination of faulty TRM of the tested AESA and with correction of the characteristics of this elements. The solution of the calibration problem by the proposed method allows to increase the accuracy of calibration by reducing the influence of the characteristics of the A phased array antenna is composed of element antennas and some electronic components.  Parameters of electronic components vary with temperature, drift over time or suffer from aging effects, there is amplitude and phase errors when excite element antennas or do the add operation. To realize good performance of a phase array, calibration method is applied to compensate the errors. While the details and extent of this calibration vary from system to system, virtually all of them require that each element`s amplitude, phase (or time delay), and even polarization are set correctly to achieve the desired beam pattern. The article presents the calibration results implemented on the basis of numerical modeling of a multi-element active electronically scanned array (AESA) consisting of linear radiators designed to work in modern radio engineering systems. The results of modeling the calibration of the AESA transmit/receive modules (TRM) kit obtained on the basis of the proposed method, which is based on the use of a calibrated reference antenna with known characteristics, which completely coincides with the placement and type of emitters on the aperture of a certified AESA. This approach makes it possible to determine the technical condition of the tested AESA based on comparison with the reference AESA, including an assessment of the alignment of the power distribution circuit, the characteristics of attenuators and phase shifters, the determination of faulty TRM of the tested AESA and with correction of the characteristics of this elements. The solution of the calibration problem by the proposed method allows to increase the accuracy of calibration by reducing the influence of the characteristics of the probe antenna when measuring the field in the near field zone of the specified AESA. Based on the simulation resultsб the amplitudes of the tested and reference AESA were compared


phased array calibration methods, numerical simulation results, calibration accuracy, probe antenna


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