Cascade parachute system with stiff round canopies mathematical model in the task of parachute-cargo system ballistic characteristics evaluation


Averyanov I. O.

Moscow design industrial complex "MKPK "Universal", 79A, Altufevskoe shosse, Moscow, 127410, Russia



This article describes the mathematical model of parachute-cargo system (PCS) that allows to solve the task of parachute-cargo system multistep ballistics.
In [1]-[2] the model of PCS with dampers was developed for the tasks of its vertical and horizontal 3D-space landings. That model considered the steady regime of PCS flight and transient regime in case of its landing. The model considered in this article extends the field of application of the model developed in [1]-[2] to the case of parachute system (PS) initiation regime.
The following changes are introduced in the model [1]-[2]: 1 – the step of PCS initiation is realized: it is developed the model of single parachute with stiff round canopy that is folded and located on the cargo in the beginning of the process; 2 – PS cascade principle is realized: additional truss connections between canopies are introduced; 3 – the atmosphere model is developed that allows to get the wind profile with changed middle (depending on PCS height) and turbulent components; 4 – the model of inertialess canopies is realized; 5 – it is realized the model of corrugation device work that takes part in canopy inflation process and defines its regime of work. The developed model simulation veracity is validated by experimental data. Thus the developed PCS mathematical model covers all the regimes needed to solve the task of multistep ballistics.
The task of PCS ballistic characteristics evaluation is considered to demonstrate the work of the developed mathematical model. The PCS consists of two-stage PS – the main and the auxiliary parachutes. To get the stochastic ballistic characteristics the Monte Carlo method is used. It is shown that in case of non-stabilized parachute landing the developed model gives more accurate data than standard methods used in engineering practice.


parachute landing, multiple canopy parachute system, multi-cascade parachute system, statistical modelling of landing process, parachute-cargo system


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