Method for calculating probabilistic characteristics of the operation of navigation equipment for consumers of global navigation satellite systems under conditions of impact of simulated interference


Nerovny V. V.1, Korataev P. D.1, Oblov P. S.1, Tolstykh M. Y.2, 3*

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia
3. Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia



The article pertains to the scientific support for the development and integration processes of unmanned aerial vehicles that utilize signals from global navigation satellite systems for navigation. The primary advantage of these systems is their high navigation accuracy. However, they also have significant drawbacks, namely the vulnerability of global navigation satellite systems user navigation equipment to interference that mimics a genuine navigation signal. As a result of such interference, the equipment may mistake false signals for genuine ones, leading to errors in determining the location. The purpose of this scientific article is to develop and analyze a methodology for assessing the probability of correct functioning of unmanned aerial vehicles under complex interference conditions. A specific case is considered where the impact on the BPSK signal, which is used in navigation, is examined. Various types of spoofing interference can affect global navigation satellite systems user navigation equipment, reproducing false navigation information, increasing pseudorange measurement errors, or possessing a random structure. The study involves modeling the impact of spoofing interference on BPSK signal receivers using the Matlab/Simulink software environment. The results indicate that the probability of a successful spoofing attack meaning the use of a false signal as a genuine one depends on the interference-to-signal power ratio and the operating time of the user navigation equipment. Semi-Markov processes are used to model the functioning of user navigation equipment under challenging conditions, allowing for the consideration of various scenarios of state transitions within the system. The proposed methodology is evaluated as universal and adaptable to any navigation signals of satellite radionavigation systems, as it allows for the assessment of the probability of correct functioning of unmanned aerial vehicles under complex interference conditions and the determination of the effectiveness of the protective measures applied. The described approaches can be utilized for further research in enhancing the resilience of global navigation satellite systems navigation equipment to interference.


navigation equipment for consumers of global navigation satellite systems, navigation signal, simulating interference, probability of detection, methodology


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