X Investigation to springy line three-layer beem with greatly differring layer stiffness

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Dudchenko A. A.*, Basharov E. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: a_dudchenko@mail.ru
**e-mail: e.basharov@yandex.ru


The main purpose of the work was investigation of the behaviour to springy line at loading three-layer beam on base analytical formulas built on base of the theories bending multilayer beam in paper by V. Vasiliev, theories loading three-layer shell in papers by E. Grigolyuk and nonlinear finite element method for bending springy peg within the frameworks of nonlinear dynamic flexible pegs stated in papers by F. Shklyarchuk and T. Grishanina. It was revealled and given explanation appearance unusual types to springy line to springy line at loading beem with greatly differring layer stiffness.


three-layer beam, stress-strain state, finite element, nonlinear strain model, unusual springy line weariness toughness, layer stiffness..


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