Calculation of leakage aerodynamic forces in labyrinth gas seals

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Brykin B. V.1*, Leontiev M. K.2**

1. Lyulka Scientific and Technical Center of the NPO "Saturn", 13 Kasatkin St., Moscow, 129301, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In the article carried out investigations of the gas flows in the labyrinth seals. Also aerodynamic forces arising in steady-state rotating rotor were calculated using commercial CFD ANSYS-CFX. Different labyrinth seal models were investigated - model with a given clearance (uniform) and model with an eccentricity. For these cases were obtain results for gas flows in the steady-state conditions leaking through seals with different eccentricities. The article is useful for engineers specialized in aerodynamics and turbo-machinery.


labyrinth seals, aerodynamic forces, computational fluid dynamics

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