Research and developing software for modeling emergency evacuation from aircraft

Aviation technics and technology


Lebedev I. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Emergency evacuation is the one of the most important problem of passengers’ safety. Addition the real demonstration of evacuation with results of computer modeling will extremely reduce cost of type aircraft certification and time for it realization. Results of mathematical modeling coincide with results of real demonstration. Finally this model and software would replace a certification tests. Also this software can model a non-standard emergency landing, for example, landing with breaking of nose landing gear, or water landing. These types of emergencies are very dangerous and cannot be reproduced by people throw process of certification demonstration. Implementation of the offered software will solve this problem.


emergency evacuation; computer modeling; aviation rules; artificial intelligence; software.

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