Algorithm of aircraft moment-inertia layout formation process automation on the early stages of design

Aviation technics and technology
*, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The paper describes the process of developing the algorithm, as well as the algorithm itself of aircrafts moment-inertia shape formation process automation in the early stages of design using specialized software. Developed: the moment-inertia models, algorithm, software package to determine the moment-inertia characteristics of the aircraft with sufficient accuracy, intuitive 3D interface for viewing and easy processing of computations. This work was supported by the Federal Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovation of Russia for 2009-2013 activity 1.2.2 on". The work has research teams under the guidance of candidates in the following areas: - design of aircraft - Microelectronics - instrumentation based on new physical principles - laser, plasma and beam technologies for nuclear technology, "state contract № 14.740.11.0340 on September 17, 2010.Keywords:
moment of inertia; layout; moments of inertia, layout, software system, moment-inertia model, algorithm, automation process.Download