Static proportion of innovative sector of the economy

Economics and management


Lyubimtseva S. V., Nagapetyan P. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


One of the consequences of transferring the aviation industry and civil aviation to free market is a significant reduction in capacity utilization with the background of actual decentralization of management and the absence of an active and comprehensive support to the industry by the state. This leads to the inevitable loss of technology, personnel and innovative capacity. The difficult situation has arisen in a number of related industries, such as the production of special construction materials. Restoring competitiveness of the industry in a global economy needs the active innovative transformation and optimizing the parameters of the innovation cycle in the enterprise. Solution to this problem requires an analysis of general patterns of innovation and deep knowledge the features of the industry. The article discusses the innovation cycle and the static ratio of innovation process at different levels, which can help to solve different issues of effective management of the industry.


base and improving innovation, intensity and effectiveness of innovation development, innovation cycle, the static ratio, the level of innovation, degree of innovation orientation of the economy, the balance of innovation at different levels.

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