Using local method for calculating of aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicles in the transitional regime

Aviation technics and technology


Zay Y. , Khlopkov A. Y.*, Kyaw Z. , Thu Y. H.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia



Research shows the calculation of the aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicles in the transitional regime with a local engineering method. This problem is particularly important when aircraft is moving at high altitudes. This paper proposes to create a simple engineering program for calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of different body shapes. In this paper presents the aerodynamic calculations of hypersonic vehicles using the local method with various Reynolds numbers.


aerodynamics in the transitional regime, the aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicles, the Reynolds number, the hypothesis of locality

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