Imagemaking and other communicative technologies as a vanguard of financial diplomacy

Economics and management


Rosina O. M., Shirshova A. U.

Russian Academy of Theatre Arts,


Communicative technologies (imagemaking, public relations etc), as means of sampling and preparing partners' or society reaction, stands for a vanguard when related to financial diplomacy, being at the same time the methods of diplomacy itself. Practically, the aim and the dominant idea of financial diplomacy is achieving financial and economic efficiency using the methods of diplomacy. Suggested technologies can be regarded as means generating such methods. The innovation that the authors presents is imagemaking using exclusive method of communicative technology - virtual psycoharmony (psychological harmony) of image (of personality, community, man-machine system). That method has a wide sphere of application in business, technology, fine art - the examples are systems "pilot - plane", "investors - stock market", "artist - spectator" and others.

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