Electric propulsion structure materials properties prediction

Material authority
*, 1**, 2***, 3****, 4*****, ******1. Federal State Unitary Establishment «Krasnaya Zvezda»,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
3. Company «Red Star», 1а, Elektrolitny proezd, Moscow, 115230, Russia
4. Central research institute for special machinery, Zavodskay str., Khotkovo, Moscow region, 141371, Russia
*e-mail: riame@sokol.ru
**e-mail: volkov-yuri@yandex.ru
***e-mail: demidov@mai.ru
****e-mail: re.entry@g23.relcom.ru
*****e-mail: tsniism@tsniism.ru
******e-mail: skhartov@ya.ru
It is analyzed whether it is possible to estimate damage accumulation taking place in cantilever samples made of C-C composite material caused by vibration testing by means of observing how self-resonant frequency of the samples changes during test. References to previous results obtained for the samples made of stainless steel and other materials are given. The simplified variant for generating a strength surface for the composite material by using tensor-polynomial failure criterion is examined.Keywords:
structure materials; ion thruster electrodes; C-C composite material; lifetime; fail; vibration tests; modal characteristics; cantilever samples; tensor-polynomial failure criterion; strength surfaceDownload