Microelectromechanicheskie sensors - based Compact Strapdown Inertial Navigation System

Control and navigation systems


Mishin A. Y.*, Kiryushin E. U., E. **, Gurlov D. V.***

Company “Arzamas Research & Production Enterprise TEMP-AVIA”, 26, Kirov str., Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 607220, Russia

*e-mail: andrew_mishin@mail.ru
**e-mail: mysterio7@rambler.ru
***e-mail: sinner2382@mail.ru


Performance analysis of an integrated strapdown INS based on MEMS sensors, and improving its accuracy by compensating instrumental errors are discussed.
Development of mathematical models for computation of MEMS sensors` errors; system errors algorithmic compensation by use of the mathematical models described below; development of calibration procedures for MEMS sensors, laboratory testing of calibration procedures and estimation of the results obtained; MEMS-based strapdown INS testing, consisting of the following steps: laboratory temperature tests and field testing. In the process of carrying out ground tests of MEMS-based strapdown INS a number of short term trips were performed. Each trip included a stage of initial alignment on the fixed base and a stage of motion between two waypoints. An initial angle of azimuth orientation was laid by means of magnetic compass. Azimuthal orientation was corrected according to GPS receiver track data during movement. The dead reckoning error of the system under test was estimated by comparing its data with output of a reference strapdown INS integrated with GPS receiver.
  •  performance analysis of MEMS sensors and the system in whole was carried out;
  •  an accurate mathematical model for computing errors of MEMS sensors for their estimation and compensation was developed;
  •  calibration procedure for MEMS sensors allowing for minimizing the number of operations and automation using bench equipment was developed; testing of calibration procedures for a miniature micromechanical system with estimation of its performance was implemented;
  •  enhanced precision performance of micromechanical INS in autonomous mode when compensating errors in the process of system calibration in accordance with mathematical model was achieved;
  •  laboratory temperature tests of MEMS-based SINS have been performed;
  •  field tests in the real vehicle motion mode were performed
An accuracy improvement of MEMS-based SINS is possible when:
  •  temperature drift compensation of angular rate sensors and accelerometers (zero signal) is applied;
  •  the state vector of the integrated data processing filter utilizes the mathematical model of angular rate sensors` drifts defined depending on temperature and linear accelerations;
  •  shift parameters of accelerometers` zero signals are included in the state vector of the filter.
The results show that the MEMS-based strapdown INS may be used as a low-grade inertial orientation and navigation system in some civil applications.


navigation system, rate sensor, accelerometer, aggregation of information


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