Multifunctional converters for aircraft power supply systems

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics


Reznikov S. B.1*, Bocharov V. V.1**, Ermilov Y. V.1***, Lavrinovich A. V.1****, Kharchenko I. A.2*****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Central Research and Development Testing Institute of the Engineering Troops of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Nakhabino-2, Moscow region, 143432, Russia



The authors propose a radically new implementation of a circuit synthesis technology of controlled sine wave inverters on the basis of standardized modules made from reversible impulse converters with pulsating output voltages.
In the task of regulating the power of an induction motor through a three-phase inverter, the quality of the inverter output voltage is of primary importance, namely — the sine shape and symmetry of the phase voltages and the speed of regulation of their main parameters: amplitude, frequency and temporal phase. Consequently, the prospects for a successful energy-efficient aircraft drive are largely determined by the output parameters of the controlled sine wave inverter. Currently applied technologies of circuit synthesis for regulated sine wave inverters cannot simultaneously provide satisfactory parameters of: mass and dimensions (unit weight and efficiency), reliability (heat resistance, durability and repairability), electromagnetic compatibility (levels of conductive and field electromagnetic emissions), regulatory and dynamic parameters (switching speed for modes of power conversion and it’s direction, value of transients in the regulation of amplitude, frequency and phase shift voltage), costs and operational (maintenance costs and repair work, taking into account downtime transport).
Therefore it seems most advantageous for research to study new principles of conversion of DC voltage into a sine wave form, excluding some of the described drawbacks and, if possible — to create a fundamentally new technology of circuit design.
The technology developed here can significantly improve parameters of mass and dimensions, reliability, dynamic regulation, cost and operation, and provide high quality of output power, improving the efficiency of onboard electric motors and the interference emission level. The main focus of the technology proposed here is an overall improvement the energy efficiency of the aircraft electricity system.
The article may be useful for developers of aircraft power supply systems, as well as a wide range of experts in the field of power electronics and electric drives.


regulated inverter, standard modules, reversible impulse converter, aircraft electricity system, power supply


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