Quantitative assessments method for technical states of complex systems

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
e-mail: zai999@mail.ru
This paper develops the method of quantitative assessments for the technical state of the object representing its stock performance, also measured as a level of degradation. Such state of the object is determined by the set of its essential parameters by means the continuous mathematical model that allows to identify dangerous situations.
The positions of the measured values of the parameters within their respective fields of tolerance define a quantitative assessment of the state of the object. It characterizes the level of normal functioning or broken state depending on the target function.
Calculating the quantitative estimates of equipment states involves the membership function which shape is determined by the statistical properties of the processes occurring in the equipment. Properties of the quantitative assessments of equipment states for the common cases studied as assessing the level of its efficiency, and it assess the level of the unhealthy state of the object under the test.
The proposed method can be used at the production phase of the complex electronic equipment lifecycle as a tool increasing the performance of the output control. It also can be used on the sale and post-sale phase of the lifecycle for productive maintenance and more successful repair of shipped equipment. The current decision of usage of the object until a future predefined destination moment is taken on the results of the predicting stock performance for the object for the time interval required for its task.
It was shown that the accuracy of quantitative assessments of the technical conditions calculated on the basis of the continuous model is considerably greater than the accuracy of qualitative assessments based on the discrete model. It provides clearer recommendation for a decision-maker, since they are built on the results of the inventory forecasting performance objects for times of tasks completed. The proposed method allows one to choose the best stock of the projected performance of the group of the same object.
method of quantitative estimations of technical conditions, procedure of evaluation of the quality of functioning, discrete and continuous mathematical models of states of complex systemsReferences
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