On the experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of the polymer coatings on the aluminum specimen

Material authority


Getmanov A. G.1, Mamonov S. V.2*, Martirosov M. I.3, Rabinsky L. N.3**

1. ,
2. Kompany «Transneft», 57, B. Polyanka, St., Moscow, 119180, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: sergei.mamonov@gmail.com
**e-mail: f9_dec@mai.ru


Various aluminum alloys are widely used now days as main structural materials for aviation technique. It must be noted nevertheless that the aluminum structural elements operating in aggressive media must be protected by various paint-and-lacquer coatings having good anti-corrosive properties. The combination of aluminum bases and lacquer protections secures the strength, the longevity, the wearing-off strength, and the required functionality.
The mechanical behavior of the coatings is studied experimentally using the rectangular specimens made from the 1163 RDTV aluminum alloy. The gloss powder paint with no lacquer, the gloss powder paint with powder lacquer Limerton (France), the gloss powder paint with decorative lacquer layered using the Glitter technology, and the gloss powder paint with the protective ceramic-based nanostructured lacquer coating Ceramiclear Deltron D8105 (PPG Industries, USA) are investigated.
The Young modulus for the coating was determined by the comparison of the Young modulus of the aluminum alloy 1163 RDTV with no paint-and-lacquer coating and the effective modulus of the coated specimen, so that the simple mixture rule for the composite materials can be used. It is found that the difference between the uncoated specimen’s modulus and coated one is about 10-15%, therefore the precision of the coating’s modulus estimation significantly depends on the stress and strain measurement during the experiments. It can be noted that the good repeatability of measurements for all specimens with different underlayers’ thicknesses was observed. The experimental stress-strain diagrams were similar both in elastic and yield zones of deformation.
The performed analysis if the experimental data has shown that the gloss powder paint with no lacquer has the maximum Young modulus and the lacquering results the reduction of the modulus of the coating. The similar results were obtained for the coated iron specimens.


experiment, tensile tests, aluminum alloys, protective coating, powder paints, lacquers, young modulus


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  2. Gavrilov D. G., Zezin Yu. P., Lomakin E. V., Mamonov S. V., Martirosov M. I., Rabinskiy L. N. Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov i konstruktsii , 2010, vol.16, no. 4/2, pp. 639-647.
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