On the experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of the polymer coatings on the aluminum specimen

Economics and management


Ageyeva N. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: agueva@yandex.ru


Considered the state and prospects of development of management processes basis on the requirements of the manufacturer of modern aircraft. This requires development of adequate tools for organization and management of domestic aviation systems design with sufficient organizational, financial and spatial flexibility.
The purpose of the work is to identify the factors defining the need for changes in organizational and administrative processes at aviation systems design, and to offer an approach to development and acceleration of design processes, to reduce a new planes development time cycle, and to improve the quality.
The result of the research as follows:
— building up requirements for design planning and management process in modern conditions;
— describes the level of functional design V model for design at all stages of lifecycle;
— in technologies of the system for engineering outlines the steps of the configuration management functional systems.
The spheres of application of the research results are management and planning systems of design organizations as well as the enterprises working at an initial phase of development and design of innovative production.


model life-cycle management processes, system engineering, V design process, strategy, organization


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