The Role of Language and Culture Dictionaries in the Formation of Sociolinguistic Competence of Students
Methods and tutorials
The article is devoted to the problem of using elements of culture-oriented linguistics in foreign language teaching. The investigation is based on the competence approach. In the course of language learning the students will need to acquire sociolinguistic competence. Sociolinguistic competence is concerned with the knowledge and skills required to deal with the social dimension of language use. Language is a sociocultural phenomenon, a particular system of words used by the people of a particular country to communicate with each other. Communication depends on the congruence of the models of the world and of language which have been internalised by the persons taking part. Of considerable importance to the learner of a particular language is factual knowledge concerning the country or countries in which the language is spoken, such as its major historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, economic, political features (realia), etc. It is the aim of language and culture dictionaries to ‘complete the picture’ for the readers of foreign languages or Russian students, whenever the theme of the matter in question. The overall intention of this kind of Anglo-Russian dictionaries is to reflect modern English to give all the entries a full sense of historicity or contemporaneity. Language and culture dictionaries indicate the special connotation of the given term. The majority of entries would contain an explanation of its significance to Englishmen, notably in cases where this is not apparent from the translation the term itself.Keywords:
culture-oriented linguistics, language and culture dictionary, language and culture, sociolinguistic competence, background knowledgeReferences
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